Just thought I would share this piece of information about a "bug" that took me a lot of time to figure out. Maybe the solution I found can help anyone with a similar problem...
While developing an app using Xamarin forms, I ran into a problem with the android solution (iOS worked without a glitch). On Android, the app crashed consistently when opening a page. I, of course, assumed that it was something wrong with the code in that particular page....
The error message I got was the cryptic 'Android.Content.Res.Resources+NotFoundException: 'Unable to find resource ID #0x0'.
The error messge and Googling led me to believe that there was something wrong - or a missing - resource, like an image or something. However, after a lot of research, I finally figured out that the crash had to do with a call to PushModalAsync(), although I had no idea why... and if I changed to PushAsync() instead, there was no problem.
The solution that finally solved this issue for me can be found in the styles.xml file. I had assigned a value of #00ffffff to the android:windowBackground. It turns out that any hex color in <item name="android:windowBackground">#000000</item> will throw this exception.
<item name="android:windowBackground">#000000</item>
The solution is to assign the hex color in the colors.xml file, and then reference this color in styles.xml like <item name="android:windowBackground">@color/window_background</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">@color/window_background</item>
This is the 'bug' report that got me on the right track... Exception thrown on PushModalAsync() when android:windowBackground set as HEX
Hope this helps :)
André Vold
Her er en rask liten BLOGGER BIO for å fortelle litt om min bakgrunn - og hvorfor jeg valgte programmering som fagfelt.